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Top 10 tips to reduce back pain

Dr. Michael Moorhouse has spent over twelve years as a practicing Chiropractor in the Boise area. Throughout his experience, he has found 10 things that are consistent in helping his patients feel better and get back to a healthy lifestyle. These are things anyone can do at home. We would like to share them with you!

1. Ice. Ice problem areas in a rotation of 20 minutes on and 40 minutes off. This constricts blood vessels to the injured area helping to prevent further inflammation.

2. Stretch your hamstrings. Tight hamstrings cause the pelvis to be pulled from it's natural anterior tilt to a more vertical position which causes a straightening of the low back vertebrae resulting in low back pain.

3. Don't sleep on your stomach. Sleeping on your stomach does just the opposite of tight hamstrings, it increases the curve in your low back which can cause low back pain. (There are those belly sleepers who have no pain at all)

4. Don't slouch in your chair. Good posture is one of the best ways to relieve and prevent back pain. By strengthening your core muscles and aligning your spine, your back will thank you by allowing you to sit longer and more comfortably.

5. Don't cross your legs. When sitting down, crossing your legs can reduce blood flow to your legs and puts your body in an unnatural position. Crossing your legs can increase stress to the hips and pelvis causing back or leg pain.

6. Get adjusted. Of course, one of the best ways to help your back is to visit Dr Moorhouse for an adjustment. Chiropractors are able to "unlock" your spine and other joints allowing your body to move more freely the way it is supposed to. The amount of visits required depends from person to person, but even one visit can be a step towards feeling less stiff and sore.

7. Get a massage. Although it is a well known fact, some do not consider how much our bones and muscles work together. Since all of your muscles are connected to your bones they are completely dependent on each other. Don't take care of one, without taking care of the other.

8. Go on a date with your spouse. Spending time with your loved one can get you up and moving allowing the muscles in your back to stretch and work, not to mention what it can do for your relationship! Although the traditional date night is usually centered around food, don't be afraid to go on a walk after dinner to get your body moving. Be active with your loved ones to promote wellness within your own life.

9. Use Epsom salts. Taking a bath in Epsom salts allows both heat and minerals to work on your aches and pains, and is a natural and inexpensive way to heal. 10. Sleep. Sleep is one of the most important things that we can do for our bodies. When we sleep we allow our bodies to rest and reset for the day ahead of us. By allowing yourself a full nights' sleep you are allowing your back to have a chance to release any strains it may have acquired during the day. If you don't get the proper sleep, none of the rest of these tips matter!

Try these tips and come visit Dr. Moorhouse at Moorhouse Chiropractic located at 13900 W. Wainwright in Boise. We are always accepting new patients and walk-ins. Take a step towards a better, more pain free you today!

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